Sunday, April 20, 2008

A step back

Was suppose to go for a long run (still at 3 miles until mid-May) this weekend but with no running partner (Shannon was busy getting ready for Austin's 3rd birthday party) and achy calves, I flaked.

I am nagged by thoughts of how little progress I've made in the last five years since I've started running. I know that what progression I've made is due to hard work and dedication. I also know that what progression I wanted (and still want) to make is due to the lack of more hard work and dedication.

But how much more is necessary to make a significant change in my running, body, health? I tell myself to be optimistic but the reality is that I'm bummed with how little I've improved.

Tomorrow is the start of another training week. Am feeling, for the first time in a long time, like "who cares?".

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