Sunday, May 18, 2008

Catch up

Busy, busy week...that's my reason for why I didn't quite hit all my scheduled workouts.

I only missed a 2-miler but figured that my traipsing back and forth within this mammoth convention center and from dinner in swollen feet in tight shoes makes up for it!

I focused more on the weights and abs exercises. My jelly belly rolls worry me not just from an aesthetics perspective but from a health one as well. I am working on cutting down portions, my food vice. There were a few days where my stomach was grumbling so I obviously went overboard. Other days, I didn't feel an energy difference so probably hit the right food mark then.

My good run moment: the fog was thick and rolling in fast on my Saturday run. I over-scheduled myself and was feeling stressed, pissy, etc. I made myself run in between laundry loads. I struggled during the first mile, as usual. My breathing was labored. My feet felt leaden. Did I mention I was grumpy?

After my only walking break up one hill, I broke through my bad running mojo and fell into a decent stride. I dodged my bad mood, the cars in the driveway, the old couple taking a stroll. I watched as whole blocks got lost in the fog. I breathed in the mist and thanked god that it was only 3 miles I had to complete.

It was a good run moment because I learned that I just had to keep going and "it" would be fine. I know, deep, right? But true.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Booking it

It was a very good 2 miles on the treadmill today. Warmed up with a quick quarter mile walk and then started the ladder workout at 13 minute / mile and ended up at 11.5 minute / mile pace!

I was able to hold that 11.5 minute / mile pace with some comfort; it was hard but not as hard it had previously felt.

The right calf tightened up painfully in the first quarter mile of running. I loosened up the laces and the tightness went away.

The new shoes are breaking in great. The breathing was good. The pace is my dream pace. Knowing that I can do it for even a quarter mile means that I'm making progress.

Monday, May 12, 2008


16 weeks until the Disney Half!

145 lbs.; that's how much I weigh today. Healthy weight would be 115 to 120 lbs. Am working for -10 by October!

30 minutes on the elliptical machine today. Worked up a major sweat; wonder if it's because I haven't worked out in over a week (Saturday run / walk not withstanding).

20 minutes of free weights. Lots of work to do on the arms. Am using 5 lb. weights and will work on getting upper body much stronger.

10 minutes of ab work. Lots and lots of work do on the abs. Thick middle = health issues. Lots of work on the abs.

I love having these goals in front of me and really appreciate that I can fit in regular workouts weekly. How did I get so lucky?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I ran / walked with Shannon yesterday, against doctor's orders (I thought they were merely suggestions!) and ended up with really swollen gums, missing out on time with Grace and Zac. I'm a loser.

Lesson learned: when your very handsome periodontist says not to exercise for a week after gum surgery, he speaks from reason and experience. Something about blood flushing up to the head area? I wasn't really listening; I was focused more on his handsomeness.

The "official" training season starts for Shannon and I tomorrow for our Disney Half. I am nervous all over again. I want to do better. I want to be fitter. I want to be thinner for this race. I gave myself all this time to ramp up and it's time to show some willpower and cowboy up. I am the only one who can make these goals happen. Me. GULP.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Crazy machines

Hit the gym today for some strength training. Tried a few of the new weight machines; so fancy! Not sure I used them all correctly but it was fun trying to figure out them out.

Am going to work on incorporating weights into the workouts more consistently. I don't get that instant reward feeling from strength training as I do with running. Need to just do it. Or maybe reward myself with more gear?! :-)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy birthday, Grace! / Go, Celtics!

Graced wanted to do a race on her birthday and so, we ran a 5k on a cold, windy and overcast Sunday to celebrate her birthday.

We ran the whole 5k and finished within 35 minutes. True, several kids (9 or 10 years old) beat us to the finish but we had more girth to work with! Under 36 minutes is a great time for me.

Shooting shin pains asserted themselves during the run; they were mild before but sharp enough today that I went to get new shoes right after the race. I learned from last year that the stabbing ankle and shin pains are warning signs of worse things to come if I didn't get new shoes a.s.a.p.

Unfortunately, I ended up walking a lot on flip-flops today. The pains have worsen and I'll have to take it easy this week.

The other highlight of the day was that the Celtics got their friggin' act together and kicked ass in Game 7. Finally. Boston Three Party indeed.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Breathy run

It was a beautiful, mild morning for our run. The run was a little over 3 miles and looped through the avenues. We did well with the few hills on the route, opting to walk up two of the steepest.

Shannon was able to hold a conversation all the way through while I stuck with "oh" and "really" and "uh" because I was totally out of breath.

The mileage was doable but I'm a little surprised / annoyed that I not able to just bang out three miles easily with all the prep work I've been doing. I had expected that the three miles would be a walk in the park by now but instead, it's still a challenge although not as much as it was 2 months ago.

Nothing to do but to keep at it, I guess!