Sunday, April 27, 2008

1377 steps climbed

Jean, Lee and I did the 62-floor climb yesterday and while we don't have the official times yet, I'm sure we rocked it. By that I mean that I don't think we were the last ones to finish.

Actually, we may be last. All the other climbers seemed young, fit and athletic. We were definitely in LA.

Leland finished first, as he usually does at physical events with me. He is motivated by the desire to get it over with as soon as possible. He may not train for it and is pained afterwards, but his willpower to finish is impressive!

Jean powered up the steps in front of me. I think she was giving me the thumbs up sign whenever we passed each other but I was a bit oxygen-deprived so she might have been giving me the middle finger for roping her in on the climb.

I much prefer running to stair climbing. However, if anyone wants to climb the Empire State Building, CALL ME!

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