Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thanks, Rachel

It was a beautiful, sunny day. I wanted to stay in bed and enjoy the wonderful weather from under the covers. Alas, after several failed attempts, Lee finally got me out of bed and off we went--he took out his bike and I put on my running shoes.

We agreed to meet at a brunch place 3 miles away. I was a bit apprehensive about the run during the first few blocks; my usual doubts dogging each step.

During my nemesis mile, that first mile, I struggled with the negative buzz in my head and the dullness in my calves.

By the end of the first mile, though, all that training with Rachel kicked in. My breathing evened out. My pacing stabilized. I took in the sun and bopped to the music. I enjoyed myself.

Rachel taught me what I needed to do so that I can enjoy running. The track workouts, the long runs, the push-ups, the damn lunges... Now that I'm training without Rachel for the first time in years, I truly appreciate what a wonderful trainer she is.

Thanks, Rachel! I'll try to do you proud this running season.

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