Sunday, March 9, 2008

Off we go!

I am looking forward to making this my best running year yet. It's my Chinese Zodiac year and I plan on spending my 36th year staying healthy, having fun and loading up on running gear & medals!

1) Disneyland Half on Labor Day
2) Las Vegas Half on Dec. 7th
3) Nike Half on my 36th birthday! (I'm entered in the lottery for this race and hope that I win a spot)

1) Stay healthy and train smart
2) Enjoy my time with Shannon, Elena, Grace and Michelle as we train together for our races
3) Complete a race in 2 hours 45 minutes, a 12.5 minute / mile pace
4) Look like early-Elvis rather than one-too-many-fried-peanut-butter-and-banana-sandwiches Elvis in my running costume in December

Let's run, walk, eat and shop!

1 comment:

Grace said...

So when will you be working in the city again? Am I supposed to be training on my own? Does running to the bus every day count as a workout? If I am going to wear anything that vaguely resembles spandex, I will need be serious about training or I could just hide my ass behind tons of bedazzles-now that is a good idea!