Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ugly 4

It was an ugly 4-miler.

I extended the usual Inner Sunset route. I was thumping, hard and slow, through the first 3 miles. Both shins were hurting today, with sporadic acute pain in the right shin. This is what happens when I take 3 days off in a row to lounge and just be lazy. BAD.

The great news is that mile 4 was awesome. That last stretch break made a difference and I was booking it home. I didn't aim for a negative split but I did it today.

Mile 4 was solid. I was still heavy on the feet but my breathing took pace, my shins eased up and I was running. Felt awesome.

It was also great to run at 8:30pm and see the sun just setting. I heart these long, summer days!

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