Monday, December 8, 2008


Yesterday, I did it! I completed my third half marathon this year and I did it in style!

Jamie and Grace rocked out capes with bedazzled phoenixes (our nods to Elvis) and our initials for us to wear at the race. We got a lot of compliments for them; I didn't do any of the work but took in the kudos nevertheless.

For the first 8 miles, I was the pacer. J & G told me I did a good job pacing -- for me, it was my normal waddle-waddle-waddle. It's great to know that I have learned how to keep pace and be consistent.

Well, almost consistent. I faded shortly after mile 8 and watched as my cape sisters disappeared into the crowd in front of me. I took in the sights (e.g. stripper supplies store) and breathed in the body kinks (e.g. ah, yes, the hips do hurt; ah, yes, the thighs are heavy and tight). I did a better job of getting through the last three miles than usual -- I am slowly learning how to better manage the mental wall I hit at mile 10.

This is my third time running in Vegas -- I think I've only missed it once in the last four years, in 2006, when I attempted the NY Marathon. I love this tradition of seeing my support crew (in life and in running), eating lots of yummy food and running a friendly race.

Until next year, my highlights of the Las Vegas Half Marathon:
- Finishing in 2:46:40 / 12.42 minute mile! My best time yet and at my last race of the year!
- Wearing the capes that were thoughtfully bedazzled by J & G; (thanks, ladies, for making that trip to the Las Vegas WalMart!)
- Recovering from near-death fright when J & G came up behind me and surprised me with smacks on my butt (low-light is that I almost broke out in tears and peed in my pants from the scare -- very sad that I scare so easily)
- Sharing this race with friends made it even better; I really love doing this race but it was awesome to have friends to run with
- Listening to Grace and Jamie chat away as I sucked in copious amount of air in order to keep running
- Sprinting towards the finish line as if my life depended on it, as if my body was not worn-out, sore, and hungry
- Seeing my dad's smile when I tapped him on his shoulder at the finish line and hearing him say, "hey, I know you" in English
- Helping (well, I think I helped) Grace finish her first half marathon!

Stick a fork in me; this rat is done!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Better late than never

7.5 miles!

Yes, this long run should have happened weeks, maybe even months ago, had I been following a normal training schedule.

But I am not on a normal training schedule. I am on a quest to finish 3 half marathons within 98 days and have been a total slacker in keep up my training as this third half looms. As such, I did my longest run (and only one on the road) one week before race day.

It was an unusually sunny, clear and mild (Lee -- dang, it's hot today) San Franciscan day. It made the run entirely satisfying, even as I wiggled through the last mile or so.

The calves ached and the hips tweaked uncomfortably towards the end but nothing that prevented the many hours of holiday sale shopping that followed.

The best miles were probably 3 - 5 when I got into a groove. The hardest was definitely the last mile when I felt winded and out of shape.

I needed this run today. I needed to know that I could at least rock out half of the distance without problems. Ready for Vegas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pounding the rubber

I had an awesome 4-miler on the treadmill yesterday. I was FAST. Well, FAST for me.

More importantly, I was FAST yesterday and today, I'm pain-free. It's obvious my back has grown stronger and I can push my body harder now.

Ohhhhh and I lost a whole 2 pounds. Last week, it was a net loss of 3 pounds but somehow a pound crept back so it's a net 2 pound loss. Maybe it was a pound of the awesome pie the Hambricks brought to potluck that did it...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hurts so...good?

I have actually been better at working out than blogging about the workouts. I rocked out a 5-miler on the treadmill last week and started up workouts with Rachel (whom I have a bone to pick with -- good lord, my hips and butt hurts from those damn squats and weird squat/toe tap exercises!!!).

I am slightly (okay, maybe A LOT) concerned that I haven't done an outdoor run since the Nike Half. Is it bad to be tapering for 6 six weeks? ;-)

2 weeks until Vegas!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fat tire

I have a ring of fat around my belly. I've worked hard on it, especially with my mom's home cooking lately.

Unfortunately, I have not worked as hard on my running...even with Vegas about a month out. No excuses. I have chosen to work / eat / sleep / just spend time doing something else other than get ready for the race.

Even as I stress about my un-fit-ness, I'm thinking of what sweet I could inhale... Willpower. Willpower. Willpower.

Tomorrow is another day. It's another chance make myself proud.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



My official overall pace for the Nike Half was 13:08 minute / mile, almost a minute faster than last year's pace. Better yet, my last mile was probably my fastest mile at 12:33!

I am proud that I achieved my targeted pace, even with more hills this year. Doing the happy dance / wiggle!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 down, 1 to go / Because I can

It was an emotional day.

I turned 36 today. I ran a half marathon today. I felt loved today. I realize how lucky I am today.

The run turned out so much better than I had expected, making me realize that I need to give this body of mine more credit. I took on most of the earlier hills and bowed to the last two. I had a very good race day up until mile 10 or so, averaging somewhere between 12 and 13.5 minute miles (I think). The last three miles kicked my butt. My right hip gave out a bit and I fought hard to keep motivated.

I broke down in tears a few times during the race. Things just got to me -- a picture of baby Trevor who passed away from leukemia or lymphoma; the kickoff speech from Sarah Reinertsen who reminded us that we were running the race because we could, because we were alive; two men yollering like their team won the Super Bowl when they saw their wives on the course.

All in all, a great run for me. The official timed results aren't in yet but I think I finished around three hours. I'm proud that I did it and live to run my third half in six weeks!

The rest of my great day included a hearty breakfast (with bacon!), a delicious nap, a awesome massage (I love Marcus!) and a wonderful dinner with Cheuk.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How did it happen?

Unbelievably, the Nike Half Marathon is in a few days. The six weeks since the Disney Half was suppose to be filled with steady workouts, gearing me up for the best Half I've ever done.

Instead, the six weeks have been filled with our first international trip in ages, four beautiful weddings we've been fortunate enough to attend, and a lot of missed workouts.

I have not completed a long run in preparation for this upcoming half. The longest run since Disney was a 6-miler on Oahu. It is also one of my favorite runs in memory; it was a hard run on a beautiful course.

I have averaged a workout a week, not the 3 or 4 I've done for Disney. All in all, not the best training for a race.

Regardless, I'm going to finish the Nike this Sunday. I'm hoping that with home court advantage and my birthday mojo, I'm going to rock the race -- okay, okay, I'm going to finish the race injury free even if it takes me 5 hours to walk it.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 1, 2008

1 down, 2 to go

I didn't think it was going to happen.

I got off my second plane ride of the week in LAX and I couldn't move without sharp pain radiating from my lower back. The first plane trip of the week included racing across the Charlotte airport in heels and a laptop thumping against my back -- that and the subsequent 6-hour flight -- almost deterred me from the Disney Half.

I managed to get a massage and jacuzzi time on Friday.

On Saturday, I was in significantly less pain (I heart massages) but still unsure I was going to finish the race on Sunday. Minimally, I was going to cross the start line to celebrate our training season.

On Sunday, I was ready to go as far as my aching back would allow. I reassured Lee I wouldn't push it too far, that I had no shame in hopping on the medical bus. Dropping out would have been a difficult decision to make but I knew I couldn't take any risks with my back -- no more cortisone shots!

By the grace of our training and a good masseuse, I lined up with 10,845 other runners before dawn and ran an AWESOME race! I finished. I had a good time. I didn't worsen my back pain. WOOT!

And more importantly, Shannon had a good race. She finished injury-free and was even talking to me afterwards.

We did it! We did it! I am so proud of us. We did it!

Today, the day after, I have sore thighs and my back is in moderate pain. A good post-race day.

My favorite snippets from the race:
- the beautiful rendition of Star Spangled Banner before the race
- the sweet, and cheesy, wedding proposal before the race
- running through Disneyland and being greeted by all the characters
- knowing that the shin pain at mile 1 would go away; feeling the shin pain go away at mile 3
- knowing at mile 3 that I had a few more miles in me
- knowing at 10k mark that I was doing really well physically and mentally
- giving in to the back pain and slowing down the last 3 miles, when I knew I would finish!!!
- running (ha!) into John, whom I met the day before, 2 miles from the finish
- all the amazingly enthusiastic volunteers out on the course
- seeing my friends and family at the finish line
- slurping down the fresh fruit smoothies my mom made for Shannon and I
- seeing Shannon don her Disney Half cap whilst telling me she would never do another race
- hearing Lee say that he was proud of me for finishing the race

My overall pace was 13.29 minute / mile with a finish time of 2:56:37. I slowed down towards the end so there is hope for a 2:30hr half marathon if I stay heathly!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Shannon and I did our last long run, 6 miles, before the race this morning. We didn't do the 8 miles per the schedule because I thought it was a bit much a week before the race.

I struggled with the first 3 miles. My shins were tight and my legs were still sore from yoga and the run earlier in the week.

The second 3 miles were much better. My body was warmed up and our kept our pace while chatting it up.

I will have only put in about 45% of the miles I should have by race time next week. I can't believe how much I've slacked towards the second half of the training for this race.

We had started off strong and consistent. Injuries, work and life just took over the last month. On top of that, I've stuffed myself like I was storing up for a nuclear winter. Yummy in the tummy but extra pounds means greater propensity for injuries.

I will endeavor to be much better with the food and training for the Vegas race. This won't happen for Nike since we're traveling for the next month and to Italy, to boot. Who watches their diet when in Italy?!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Achingly good

I ran today, my third workout in three days and my body aches so good.

Today's 3 miles were solid. My right shin felt looser and did responded well to the faster pace. I think the yoga session yesterday primed me well for the run.

I had such a feeling of accomplishment during the run. It just clicked. This is why I train; this is what I can do if I keep working on it. I love this feeling.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I've been totally remiss with my blogs, reflective of my lackluster workout schedule of late.

We are in the tapering phase for the Disney and it couldn't come soon enough. Now the training schedule finally is achievable! :-)

Did a few runs last week and even managed a longer run with Shannon last Friday. During these last two weeks I plan on focusing more on cross training to keep 'fit' without jeopardizing race day. I happily put in a weight session and a Bikram workout the last two days.

I can't believe that the race is next week. I have enjoyed getting to know Shannon all over again throughout this training season. I am going to miss our runs and chats about things random and personal.

I am glad that we made time for the race and for each other. I am especially grateful to Mark for taking care of the kids while I steal Shannon away each week.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stuffed rat

I was so good yesterday. I got my butt out in the oddly bright, foggy 'hood for a 5-miler.

I bundled up and looked like a bright lime green sausage fleeing for dear life...well, I wasn't that fast.

I took off the green casing / sweatshirt after the first mile and enjoyed the extremely brisk and cold air. It actually feel good to be making good time in that cooler weather.

I will most likely make another run tomorrow, another good step in getting back to a routine.

Also good because I've been stuffing myself silly with sweets lately. Why oh why does ice cream have to taste so good?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A bit short

Just finished a 7-miler with Shannon. It was suppose to be a 10-miler that was a 12-miler on our training plan (are you following?).

This week topped off what has been a month of lackluster workouts for me. No weekday workouts and abbreviated long runs.

We were both feeling the consequences of not working out regularly. For me, my shins were burning up within the first mile and only eased up a bit around mile 5.

At mile 6, I was crafting my concession speech to Shannon. It going to be something like...Shannon, I'm done.

At mile 7, Shannon caught her breath before I did and told me she was done too! Her plantar fasciitis was acting up.

It was definitely not one of our better runs. We both agree that we could do the 13.1 but would to be more trained for it, for it to be easier on our bodies.

Slacker time is over. Back to the training schedule!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It started out well...

Shannon and I did the Wharf to Wharf today, with the intention of sandwiching the 6-mile race with 2 miles before and 2 miles afterwards to reach our 10-mile training run goal.

The first two miles to the start of the race went by quickly and was comfortable. We were both fighting mucus issues -- Shannon with her cold; me with my cat allergy.

The race itself was harder than I expected. There were more hills and less water than I would have liked. At mile 3 (our mile 5), I started to wonder if I was as trained as I had thought. I was sucking wind up those hills and was feeling defeated.

By mile 4, I realize my body was responding well but I was mentally tired. I wanted to walk. Better yet, I wanted to be in bed, warm and snoring.

By mile 5, I wanted to be done. I had to work at not quitting today. Was it the lack of food? sleep? sun? I pushed on, telling myself I needed to do this to be ready for Disney.

Given my water breaks and lackadaisical motivation, I was surprised to finish the race in 1:15 hours! That's a 12 minute pace! WOOT! I am so proud of my pace! WOOT! WOOT!

As for the last 2 miles of our 10-miler today...long story short...I lost Shannon, giving her bad directions because I didn't realize there are TWO Capitola "streets". We probably walked over 2 miles looking for each other and for Leland.

I'm still in happy shock at my pace. My body was booking it while my mind broke down today. I think this is why you do long runs, to train both the body and mind. Looks like I have some more work to do...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Damn fog

Since the long July holiday weekend, I've skipped all work-week workouts. It was partially due to injury but mostly due to laziness.

All weekend, I found reasons to skip the long run.
* Saturday morning: Shannon's sick so I'll sleep in and rest for the afternoon, when I do the long run.
* Saturday afternoon: It's too cold, foggy, misty, late, and I'm totally drained by the latest Batman movie. I'll do the run tomorrow.
* Sunday morning: I'm need to sleep in because I'm so tired. I'll do the run this afternoon.
* Sunday afternoon: I need to cook for the week. I need to do my part with the house budget. Ah...I'll do the run tomorrow?

Lame-o, Jessi is my name-o.

Today, I could procrastinate no more. I put in the 9-miles outside in the miserably cold, windy and foggy air. I loved that I was out running again but focused most of my energy fighting the damn weather. Negativity shrouded my run today like the damn fog.

Did I mention how horrible the weather was? ;-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sidelined again

Sidelined from another week of workouts due to strained back muscle and general laziness.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

8 (but really 10) miles

Shannon and I started our long run today not in the best of spirits...we started off with reasons / excuses for not being thrilled for the 8-miler to come.

We did loops around the house so that we could come back for water and energy gels.

The first three miles were mild. A bit of shin pain but it went well. We kept a slow pace and took in each other company's and the foggy air.

A couple of Clif Shots later, we shuffled through our next two-mile loop. I had achy hips today, perhaps because it was a relatively hilly course for us. We inserted a few more walking breaks; it was getting harder to keep up a conversation and keep running at the same time.

After a final pit stop, we started off the last three miles with the intention of doing run / walk. It was a good decision for me. It helped with my fatigued and while those hills had me huffing like the big, fat wolf, I was able to finish well.

It was suppose to be an 8-miler but we actually covered about 10 miles. Those extra two miles are due to distances I normally walk for warm-up / cool-down. Since we took walking breaks and did runs / walks, I figured that I'd count all the mileage. (Shannon, forgive my math!)

Today's run proves to me that my body is able to handle this distance, especially at the slow pace we held today. I feel good mentally and physically. I feel I will be ready for the race if I keep up with the with training schedule.

I feel, dare I say it, confident in my legs right now.

Monday, June 30, 2008


The Charles River run didn't happen...I overslept that morning but did manage to squeeze in two workouts in the teeny weeny hotel gym. Bummed as we don't have a reason to go back to Boston any time soon so not sure when I'll be able to make that storied run.

Even though I regularly tell Shannon not to force make-up runs, I did a make-up run today. I needed to put that 6-miler. I won't lie; I fear not putting in enough long runs and then dying on the race course.

Today's run was ugly, long, painful, lonely and more importantly, done!

Breakdown of the miles:
Mile 1 / both shins are tight and revolting with each stride
Mile 2 / feet are heavy and ankles twisted awkwardly a few times
Mile 3 / "Jesus, why is this so freakin' hard?"
Mile 4 / "Jesus, I can't feel my left butt cheek. Serious? My butt is numb?"
Mile 5 / fastest mile of the day; worked hard to keep pace up (13.5 minute / mile)
Mile 6 / losing it towards the end; forgot what letter came before "q" in the alphabet

Am proud that I ran (okay, at least jogged) up all the hills and stuck with it even after I lost my mind and feeling in my buttocks.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Taking on the Charles

Two back-to-back days on the treadmill and I'm pooped out.

Had to run harder and faster than I wanted to yesterday because I was behind schedule and had a bus to catch.

What's great is that it seems my body is starting to accept the harder workouts! I have learned to breathe better which has helped with the endurance, I think.

We've been in pre-training and training for months and months now but it's only hitting now that we have a race coming up. We're up to 6 miles for this weekend's long run...gulp.

Anxious and excited about the long run, especially since I've always wanted to be one of those runners trotting along the Charles. Actually, more excited than anxious!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

No face-plants

Shannon and I hit the gym today for our longest run yet, 5 miles.

We both did well. We learned that you should not turn to talk to your running partner while the treadmill is going because you could possibly lose your balance and do a face-plant on the treadmill. Luckily, Shannon has lightening-fast reflexes and righted herself before skidding off.

Shannon started off at a 12 minute / mile pace and I, really? That's where I usually end up but we're starting with that?

As usual, I found running with Shannon to be super helpful in pushing me. I did the first half of the mileage at the faster 12 minute / mile pace and felt relatively relaxed.

I felt comfortable enough to push myself to do negative splits so did the next mile and a half at a 11:30 minute / mile and the last mile at a 10:54 minute / mile pace. I was also motivated to go faster just so we can finish up. 5 miles is a lot!

I am surprised that I was able to hold my "fast" pace for 5 miles. Thanks, Shannon, for setting the pace!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Small victories

Shannon and I were counting our blessings and applauding the small victories won over the last few months of training.

We persevered and have improved. We haven't worked consistently but we continue to work.

Something is different this training season. I feel like I've turned a point...cannot really articulate it yet but it feels like I'm no longer doing something totally against my nature. For the last few years / training seasons, I felt like I was in a constant fight state. Fought getting out for a run, fought to do more than my body was ready for, fought to enjoy the process.

Today, I went for a run in the glorious morning weather and I felt different. I tightened up the laces and ran. Not fast, not in perfect form, not easy but it was exactly what I wanted to be doing. No more fight.

I feel muscles forming. I feel proud of how fast (13.5 minute miles, y'all!) I can go. I feel like a runner.

A lot of small victories won over the last six years have gotten me here physically and mentally.

Oh yes, GO CELTICS! The Truth deserves it all!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Will work for McNuggets

I'll come clean. Today, I had planned on making up a 3-mile run.

Instead, I scarfed down 8 chicken McNuggets and salt with fries on the side and a giant scope of Polly Ann Oreo Banana ice cream.

I feel a bit guilty, especially as my laptop perches on my tummy shelf. I'd feel more guilty if not for my superhuman (okay, super-me) workouts on Friday and Saturday.

Team building day! We went rafting on a Level 3 river. The workout didn't just come from the paddling but also from the having to swim the raft to land. The raft kept deflating and it got to the point where we couldn't paddle / bail out water fast enough. We jumped out; each of us tucking a piece of the deflating raft under an arm and "swimming" with the other arm.

Did I mention that I only know how to doggy-paddle and didn't have a tie for my glasses? I struggled to doggy-paddle, kick, hold onto the raft and keep my glasses on all at once. I was exhausted when it was over but what a great experience!

I ran from Dennis' place to Mom & Dad's. At 8:30am, it was already a nice 70 degrees with bright, clear skies. With NPR along for company, I started off on the 4-miler ready for the relatively flat route.

Within the first 5-minutes, I knew it was going to be a decent run. My feet felt light; there were few issues with the shins. I took a few stretch breaks at stoplights to make sure I didn't tighten up.

At around 3 miles, I realized that I could finish the run before my NPR segment (54 minutes) completes. I felt really good so picked up the pace. I loved the feeling -- fast, able and working hard!

I finished the run in 54 minutes, a 13:30 minute / mile pace! On the road! WOOT!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sweaty butt

A tip for other runners: do not wear dark running pants that show off every drip of sweat...especially down your back and around your buttocks.

After 3+ miles on the treadmill, my backside looked like I sat down on a puddle or peed all over myself. Nice image, huh?

I didn't do an aggressive ladder exercise today. Instead, I kept up an average faster pace for longer durations.

It was a hard run, as evidenced by my sweaty butt, and there was a sense of ease towards the end that is very motivating. Am feeling rewarded for the hard work put in thus far!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ugly 4

It was an ugly 4-miler.

I extended the usual Inner Sunset route. I was thumping, hard and slow, through the first 3 miles. Both shins were hurting today, with sporadic acute pain in the right shin. This is what happens when I take 3 days off in a row to lounge and just be lazy. BAD.

The great news is that mile 4 was awesome. That last stretch break made a difference and I was booking it home. I didn't aim for a negative split but I did it today.

Mile 4 was solid. I was still heavy on the feet but my breathing took pace, my shins eased up and I was running. Felt awesome.

It was also great to run at 8:30pm and see the sun just setting. I heart these long, summer days!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1,249 days to go

Didn't win a lottery spot for the 2008 NYC Marathon. If I get denied a spot 3 years in a row, I'm guaranteed a spot in the 2011 race. So...worse case scenario, I'm training for the 2011 NYC Marathon! WOOT!

I want to go back and finish the marathon. I like training for the halves but want to finish the historic NYC 26.2. Life goal. How awesome is it that within the next 3 years I have another chance of fulfilling a life goal?! Say it with me people, WOOT!

On the shorter term, I did another 3-mile treadmill run today. It was harder than Monday's run. I didn't get enough food in me prior to the workout. Really struggled with fatigue the last mile.

No shin pain today. Wondering if it's the quarter mile warm-up or total rest day before runs or both that has helped with the heavy tightness. Need to figure it out and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Runner's high. Right.

I had a kickass run on the treadmill today, logging a 3-miler. It's a bump up from the 2-mile weekday runs; it means that we're going to start picking up the training pace now.

I took a quarter mile to warm up and another quarter to cool down. In between, I ramped up to a 11:30 minute / mile and it felt just lovely! My back pain and calf issues didn't hamper today's 3-mile run.

I was flinging sweat every which way. Arms and legs pumping, lungs burning, time crawling. It was extremely exhilarating to let all my work frustrations out on treadmill. It was a good, hard run.

Shortly thereafter, I fell asleep on the bus ride home. I woke myself up with my own snoring / snorting.

The run didn't give me a high, just a blissful deep nap!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Catch up

Busy, busy week...that's my reason for why I didn't quite hit all my scheduled workouts.

I only missed a 2-miler but figured that my traipsing back and forth within this mammoth convention center and from dinner in swollen feet in tight shoes makes up for it!

I focused more on the weights and abs exercises. My jelly belly rolls worry me not just from an aesthetics perspective but from a health one as well. I am working on cutting down portions, my food vice. There were a few days where my stomach was grumbling so I obviously went overboard. Other days, I didn't feel an energy difference so probably hit the right food mark then.

My good run moment: the fog was thick and rolling in fast on my Saturday run. I over-scheduled myself and was feeling stressed, pissy, etc. I made myself run in between laundry loads. I struggled during the first mile, as usual. My breathing was labored. My feet felt leaden. Did I mention I was grumpy?

After my only walking break up one hill, I broke through my bad running mojo and fell into a decent stride. I dodged my bad mood, the cars in the driveway, the old couple taking a stroll. I watched as whole blocks got lost in the fog. I breathed in the mist and thanked god that it was only 3 miles I had to complete.

It was a good run moment because I learned that I just had to keep going and "it" would be fine. I know, deep, right? But true.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Booking it

It was a very good 2 miles on the treadmill today. Warmed up with a quick quarter mile walk and then started the ladder workout at 13 minute / mile and ended up at 11.5 minute / mile pace!

I was able to hold that 11.5 minute / mile pace with some comfort; it was hard but not as hard it had previously felt.

The right calf tightened up painfully in the first quarter mile of running. I loosened up the laces and the tightness went away.

The new shoes are breaking in great. The breathing was good. The pace is my dream pace. Knowing that I can do it for even a quarter mile means that I'm making progress.

Monday, May 12, 2008


16 weeks until the Disney Half!

145 lbs.; that's how much I weigh today. Healthy weight would be 115 to 120 lbs. Am working for -10 by October!

30 minutes on the elliptical machine today. Worked up a major sweat; wonder if it's because I haven't worked out in over a week (Saturday run / walk not withstanding).

20 minutes of free weights. Lots of work to do on the arms. Am using 5 lb. weights and will work on getting upper body much stronger.

10 minutes of ab work. Lots and lots of work do on the abs. Thick middle = health issues. Lots of work on the abs.

I love having these goals in front of me and really appreciate that I can fit in regular workouts weekly. How did I get so lucky?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I ran / walked with Shannon yesterday, against doctor's orders (I thought they were merely suggestions!) and ended up with really swollen gums, missing out on time with Grace and Zac. I'm a loser.

Lesson learned: when your very handsome periodontist says not to exercise for a week after gum surgery, he speaks from reason and experience. Something about blood flushing up to the head area? I wasn't really listening; I was focused more on his handsomeness.

The "official" training season starts for Shannon and I tomorrow for our Disney Half. I am nervous all over again. I want to do better. I want to be fitter. I want to be thinner for this race. I gave myself all this time to ramp up and it's time to show some willpower and cowboy up. I am the only one who can make these goals happen. Me. GULP.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Crazy machines

Hit the gym today for some strength training. Tried a few of the new weight machines; so fancy! Not sure I used them all correctly but it was fun trying to figure out them out.

Am going to work on incorporating weights into the workouts more consistently. I don't get that instant reward feeling from strength training as I do with running. Need to just do it. Or maybe reward myself with more gear?! :-)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy birthday, Grace! / Go, Celtics!

Graced wanted to do a race on her birthday and so, we ran a 5k on a cold, windy and overcast Sunday to celebrate her birthday.

We ran the whole 5k and finished within 35 minutes. True, several kids (9 or 10 years old) beat us to the finish but we had more girth to work with! Under 36 minutes is a great time for me.

Shooting shin pains asserted themselves during the run; they were mild before but sharp enough today that I went to get new shoes right after the race. I learned from last year that the stabbing ankle and shin pains are warning signs of worse things to come if I didn't get new shoes a.s.a.p.

Unfortunately, I ended up walking a lot on flip-flops today. The pains have worsen and I'll have to take it easy this week.

The other highlight of the day was that the Celtics got their friggin' act together and kicked ass in Game 7. Finally. Boston Three Party indeed.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Breathy run

It was a beautiful, mild morning for our run. The run was a little over 3 miles and looped through the avenues. We did well with the few hills on the route, opting to walk up two of the steepest.

Shannon was able to hold a conversation all the way through while I stuck with "oh" and "really" and "uh" because I was totally out of breath.

The mileage was doable but I'm a little surprised / annoyed that I not able to just bang out three miles easily with all the prep work I've been doing. I had expected that the three miles would be a walk in the park by now but instead, it's still a challenge although not as much as it was 2 months ago.

Nothing to do but to keep at it, I guess!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Windy 10

I worked from home today which meant that I got to run outside (and have pho for lunch).

It was very windy today. The kind of gusts that make your hair bitch-slap you in the face, if you had long enough hair.

I ran up, and walked back down, the block that our house is on. It's about a 10th of a mile long with a gradual but definite slope up. The wind blew at me sideways, hard, so I had to fight it going up and got no benefit coming down.

I did the run up 10 times and am proud that I powered up the last one. The wind was so strong at times that I didn't feel like I was moving at times.

Today's workout falls into the what-doesn't-kill-you-helps-you category because it was not fun. Not even with "Fresh Air" for company.

Hm. Maybe that's why...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


No "Family Feud" because the treadmill TV channels only played CNN, MSNBC and ESPN. How do you run to Lou Dobbs or hockey?

Tummy was growling because salads don't fill me up.

Tired before I started the run because I got four hours of sleep the night before.

It all lead a ho-hum treadmill run. Am glad that I worked out though because I'd probably feel even more out of it without the exercise.

I'm going to need to talk to the gym people about making sure they have my "Family Feud" fix ready for me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

1377 steps climbed

Jean, Lee and I did the 62-floor climb yesterday and while we don't have the official times yet, I'm sure we rocked it. By that I mean that I don't think we were the last ones to finish.

Actually, we may be last. All the other climbers seemed young, fit and athletic. We were definitely in LA.

Leland finished first, as he usually does at physical events with me. He is motivated by the desire to get it over with as soon as possible. He may not train for it and is pained afterwards, but his willpower to finish is impressive!

Jean powered up the steps in front of me. I think she was giving me the thumbs up sign whenever we passed each other but I was a bit oxygen-deprived so she might have been giving me the middle finger for roping her in on the climb.

I much prefer running to stair climbing. However, if anyone wants to climb the Empire State Building, CALL ME!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A step forward

I made it to the gym the last two days, happy to be breaking out a sweat again! I think my Monday post of despair was caused by lack of exercise and a PMS outbreak.

Yesterday, I 'laddered' about 4 miles. Today, about 2 miles.

My right calf continues to be leaden through the first 2 miles of every run but the pain eventually works itself out. No residual issue that I know of but I'm on the lookout for any weird pains.

I think I'm addicted to sweating. I don't get that runner's high (I tend to fall asleep on the bus ride home after every workout) but I definitely feel different emotionally when I haven't worked out in a while.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A step back

Was suppose to go for a long run (still at 3 miles until mid-May) this weekend but with no running partner (Shannon was busy getting ready for Austin's 3rd birthday party) and achy calves, I flaked.

I am nagged by thoughts of how little progress I've made in the last five years since I've started running. I know that what progression I've made is due to hard work and dedication. I also know that what progression I wanted (and still want) to make is due to the lack of more hard work and dedication.

But how much more is necessary to make a significant change in my running, body, health? I tell myself to be optimistic but the reality is that I'm bummed with how little I've improved.

Tomorrow is the start of another training week. Am feeling, for the first time in a long time, like "who cares?".

Thursday, April 17, 2008

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 192, 238, ...

The sunny, bright day had given way to misty fog when I went out for a run + stairs workout.

The plan: run 3 miles to the stadium and complete a full round of stadium stairs then MUNI back home to a takeout dinner that Lee was going to order for me.

The reality: ran 1 mile to the stairs on 16th, completed 700 steps up (and more harrowing down...I dislike going down much more than going up) and ran the 1 mile back.

It wasn't the easiest workout but I didn't feel like I was going to kneel over in agony. A tight back and very heavy calf; if those pains are all I'm going to feel on Saturday then my body is a rock star!

After today's workout, I'm not worried about next week's stair climb. Just have to be careful not to overwork the back.

Still have not sunk my teeth into a lemon square and I'm having a wicked craving for sugar + butter + eggs right now. Will some kind soul out there deliver a dessert item of some sort?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Me at the cafe: A lemon square and Earl Grey tea, please.
Cafe guy: Okay.
Cafe guy: Tea! $1.75.
Me: Ah...okay, thanks. (thinking, where's my lemon square? I NEED that lemon square.)
Cafe guy: Thanks.
Me: Grmpf. (thinking, wow, I was just denied my sugar rush of the afternoon.)

Sure, I could have asked again for my sugar fix but I didn't want to seem desperate (which I was) and didn't want to hold up the line. I walked away with my tea and 200 calories lighter for not inhaling the yummy dessert.

I fared better at the gym. I did a ladder workout on the treadmill.
15 minute / mile pace: half mile
13 minute / mile pace: one mile
12 minute / mile pace: half mile
11 minute / mile pace: half mile (WOOT!)
20 minute / mile pace: half mile

Tomorrow, I'm going to get me a lemon square.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Super quads

It was an amazingly beautiful and hot weekend, even in the Sunset where the powers that be normally deem us immigrants unworthy of decent weather.

I did a short run with Shannon on Saturday. Bless her heart, she walked with me when I pooped out towards the end of the 3-mile run. It's amazing how soon my body forgets how to move; it was only a week off!

Did about an hour on the elliptical machine today as prep for next weekend's LA climb. Definitely got a workout. I felt my quads expand, like a cartoon character's, with each step.

Am enjoying the workouts but haven't been able to kick this latest bout of illness entirely. I'm still coughing, with phlem (globs of it...glad you're reading this?) and a sore throat. What gives?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How time flies

It was good to get back into the gym today. Finished a 2.5 mile run on the treadmill. Was surprised that the 12 minute / mile felt...well, not slow but not as fast and difficult as it did a few weeks ago.

I pushed to a 11 minute / mile pace for a half mile. It was not bad. We'll have to see how well my back reacts to that pace. I have had problems with running so fast before; it resulted in back spasms and weeks of rehab time on the couch.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Bean bag

It has been one heck of a week. I succumbed to a hacking cough, dangerous amounts of mucus that almost drowned me and all-around achiness this last week. I got this second cold from Lee just as I was free of the first one.

After a week of giving over my body to the cold demons, I am finally feeling better. I don't think the copious amounts of drugs I inhaled helped me get better but it was fun to be just out of it for a few days.

Today, I was able to put in a short 1.5 miler. I jogged really slowly, up and down the hills of the Inner Sunset. I jogged slow enough to have walkers pass me and enjoyed the fact that I wasn't clogged up or achy or coughing violently.

Am looking forward to getting back to the workout regiment again. My body feels/looks like a beaten up bean bag.

OH, one really good thing that happened last week: I won a lottery spot to this year's Nike Half Marathon race! I will be running it on my 36th birthday!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I made the climb up 52 flights of stairs in 19:06.4 minutes!

I had expected to take about half an hour to complete the climb and was pleasantly surprised to finished it so "quickly." The fastest time was 8 minutes!

I knew the event was going to go well when the DJ played Phil Collins during the warm up. Phil's genius has been alarmingly overlooked. Always a good sign when he's recognized.

I had a strategy going into this race--walk a flight of stairs, jog up the next flight of stairs, repeat. By the time I got to the 3rd floor, my strategy changed to "just keep moving." The jogging part, even for that one flight of stairs, was killer.

I moved into a slow and steady pace, stopping for water three times and wondering what motivates me to do these types of events only once. The time and flights of stairs passed quickly while the burn in the thighs lingered. I'm not feeling much soreness tonight but am anticipating some gimping come Monday.

Of the 814 finishers, I finished 88th in my age group and 544th overall. I had a good enough time at this climb that I'll be flying down to LA next month to do another one!

I've created a team for the LA climb; we're the Vertically Challenged team. Please consider donating to the American Lung Association, which this event supports:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

1,200 steps

I hit the StairMaster today, putting in my one and only training session for a stair-climbing charity event this Saturday.

Once I found out about the event, I spammed some folks in the area seeking cohorts. Only Leland has signed up to go with me. Okay, I signed him up but he agreed to do it! Really!

We will be climbing 52 floors (1197 steps) to the top of the building, earning us a gorgeous view of the city. I think all we'll be thinking about at the top is "The elevators better not be broken."

The workout today wasn't bad. It wasn't easy but it was doable. I did have trouble staying erect. There were times when I was leaning waaaay into the display, almost at a 40-degree angle. Not sure why that happened. To keep up with the pace?

Had another salad for lunch. Yeah, salad. Not.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One second

How can each second drag on for so long?

That was what I was thinking as I ran my second mile at a 12 minute / mile pace. I would stare at the digital number on the panel and then stare some more and then some more and then finally, the second passes.

In one second...I can glace glance at the display, look away and look back again 3 times. I can take about 5 puffs of air. I can take a full body inventory of pain points. I can wonder how long a second takes 30,000 times.

Good run, although not as comfortable as last week's workout. I experienced severe strain / pain in the problem calf after the first mile. I did some stretching and made up my mind to finish the second mile at the faster pace.

I finished the workout, soggy from sweat and proud that I pushed past the pain. Was it the right thing to do? We'll find out at Thursday's run!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thanks, Rachel

It was a beautiful, sunny day. I wanted to stay in bed and enjoy the wonderful weather from under the covers. Alas, after several failed attempts, Lee finally got me out of bed and off we went--he took out his bike and I put on my running shoes.

We agreed to meet at a brunch place 3 miles away. I was a bit apprehensive about the run during the first few blocks; my usual doubts dogging each step.

During my nemesis mile, that first mile, I struggled with the negative buzz in my head and the dullness in my calves.

By the end of the first mile, though, all that training with Rachel kicked in. My breathing evened out. My pacing stabilized. I took in the sun and bopped to the music. I enjoyed myself.

Rachel taught me what I needed to do so that I can enjoy running. The track workouts, the long runs, the push-ups, the damn lunges... Now that I'm training without Rachel for the first time in years, I truly appreciate what a wonderful trainer she is.

Thanks, Rachel! I'll try to do you proud this running season.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


It was a woot (stolen from Mojo; my definition of woot is the feeling of childlike happiness when you say it loud and proud but I think it spawns from the Dungeons and Dragons game) running day! WOOOOOOT!

I nailed my treadmill run today.

I watched Family Feud as I warmed up and ran the first 1 or so at a very comfortable 14 minute / mile pace. For my second mile, I cranked it up to a 12 minute / mile pace and was able to sustain it! WOOT!

Yes, for many, this pace is a walking pace but for me, it's the pace that gets me schvitzing with elbows flying and stumpy legs pumping.

I didn't think I could keep it up but I did and I am proud! (Can you tell?)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today, well, today, I just didn't have that oomph.

I left myself with less than an hour to work out before I needed to catch the bus home. I had plenty of time and yet, I squander it by doing god knows what.

I was lackadaisical about the workout. I didn't even glare at the muscle tee guys who would not share any of the weight machines.

I may have used up all my enthusiasm yesterday. Or maybe it's because I don't like doing weights. Or maybe it's because I had a salad for lunch today instead of the usual dose of fat and/or sugar I normally have.

Tomorrow, I am definitely having sugar before working out.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sweaty and happy

Great treadmill workout today. I took my time warming up and it did wonders for the 2 mile run. I had a slight achiness in the calf but otherwise, everything felt great!

My strides landed softly, my feet felt stabilized, my breathing was consistent, my cadence was high, my heart was thumping.

I felt I could run forever, at least 13 miles. I didn't want to stop but alas, had a bus to catch and a training plan to adhere to.

I love it when I feel the sweat rolling down my back, feel my body and mind work harmoniously and know I just worked off that mongo slice of ice cream birthday cake.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easy does it

I didn't get to my long run last weekend because I was sleeping through most of it. It wasn't due to the cold that is almost done ravaging my body. It was because I love to sleep.

And I think my body needed some rest. Good fatigue or not, my body needed some downtime, as evidenced by my sleep-athon.

Today, I hopped on the treadmill for a slow run. The calf heaviness and tightness was at a moderate level and more manageable then last week's acute pain. I kept the running (at a 14 minute / mile pace) to a 1 mile and walked a half mile before and after.

I'm surprised by how routine the Monday - Thursday workouts are now. I just have to give up my part of my favorite weekend pastime to fit in those Saturday long runs.

Hm. Maybe next weekend. I should really ease into those long runs. Wouldn't want to rush into it and aggravate the injuries... :-)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Booby-shelf muscle?

I was really good with the weight training twice this week. Now, one would think that after working with Rachel for so many years, I would know how to strength train.

Ah, one would be so very wrong. I just did what she told me to and didn't pay any attention. Without Rachel, I made up some exercises to do this week.

One of those exercises has caused this area below my right breast to feel feels like a muscle ache. But is there a muscle there? Eh?

My body is fatigued, in the very best way, from the regular workouts.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lessons learned

It was a decent first run last Saturday with Shannon and while a little sore yesterday, I felt ready for another 2-miler on the treadmill today.

Unfortunately, about 1/2 mile into it, my problem right calf felt leaden. Another quarter mile and the calf felt like it was under a broiler. I pushed to the 1 mile mark to see if I could work through the pain.

But, I learned from last year and when the pain only escalated, I stopped running. I switched to walking up a steeper incline and the searing pain stopped. I now have ice packs on both calves.

I'm a bit puzzled as to why the pain came back / on after just a few miles on Saturday and today. I stretched, I warmed up slowly, I rested between the runs.

Will cut out the planned Thursday run and test out the calf again on Saturday with a 2-miler.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Off we go!

I am looking forward to making this my best running year yet. It's my Chinese Zodiac year and I plan on spending my 36th year staying healthy, having fun and loading up on running gear & medals!

1) Disneyland Half on Labor Day
2) Las Vegas Half on Dec. 7th
3) Nike Half on my 36th birthday! (I'm entered in the lottery for this race and hope that I win a spot)

1) Stay healthy and train smart
2) Enjoy my time with Shannon, Elena, Grace and Michelle as we train together for our races
3) Complete a race in 2 hours 45 minutes, a 12.5 minute / mile pace
4) Look like early-Elvis rather than one-too-many-fried-peanut-butter-and-banana-sandwiches Elvis in my running costume in December

Let's run, walk, eat and shop!