Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Me at the cafe: A lemon square and Earl Grey tea, please.
Cafe guy: Okay.
Cafe guy: Tea! $1.75.
Me: Ah...okay, thanks. (thinking, where's my lemon square? I NEED that lemon square.)
Cafe guy: Thanks.
Me: Grmpf. (thinking, wow, I was just denied my sugar rush of the afternoon.)

Sure, I could have asked again for my sugar fix but I didn't want to seem desperate (which I was) and didn't want to hold up the line. I walked away with my tea and 200 calories lighter for not inhaling the yummy dessert.

I fared better at the gym. I did a ladder workout on the treadmill.
15 minute / mile pace: half mile
13 minute / mile pace: one mile
12 minute / mile pace: half mile
11 minute / mile pace: half mile (WOOT!)
20 minute / mile pace: half mile

Tomorrow, I'm going to get me a lemon square.

1 comment:

Melissa C said...

You go, Ms. 11 min/mile! Thanks for playing b-i-n-g-o with us!