Monday, September 1, 2008

1 down, 2 to go

I didn't think it was going to happen.

I got off my second plane ride of the week in LAX and I couldn't move without sharp pain radiating from my lower back. The first plane trip of the week included racing across the Charlotte airport in heels and a laptop thumping against my back -- that and the subsequent 6-hour flight -- almost deterred me from the Disney Half.

I managed to get a massage and jacuzzi time on Friday.

On Saturday, I was in significantly less pain (I heart massages) but still unsure I was going to finish the race on Sunday. Minimally, I was going to cross the start line to celebrate our training season.

On Sunday, I was ready to go as far as my aching back would allow. I reassured Lee I wouldn't push it too far, that I had no shame in hopping on the medical bus. Dropping out would have been a difficult decision to make but I knew I couldn't take any risks with my back -- no more cortisone shots!

By the grace of our training and a good masseuse, I lined up with 10,845 other runners before dawn and ran an AWESOME race! I finished. I had a good time. I didn't worsen my back pain. WOOT!

And more importantly, Shannon had a good race. She finished injury-free and was even talking to me afterwards.

We did it! We did it! I am so proud of us. We did it!

Today, the day after, I have sore thighs and my back is in moderate pain. A good post-race day.

My favorite snippets from the race:
- the beautiful rendition of Star Spangled Banner before the race
- the sweet, and cheesy, wedding proposal before the race
- running through Disneyland and being greeted by all the characters
- knowing that the shin pain at mile 1 would go away; feeling the shin pain go away at mile 3
- knowing at mile 3 that I had a few more miles in me
- knowing at 10k mark that I was doing really well physically and mentally
- giving in to the back pain and slowing down the last 3 miles, when I knew I would finish!!!
- running (ha!) into John, whom I met the day before, 2 miles from the finish
- all the amazingly enthusiastic volunteers out on the course
- seeing my friends and family at the finish line
- slurping down the fresh fruit smoothies my mom made for Shannon and I
- seeing Shannon don her Disney Half cap whilst telling me she would never do another race
- hearing Lee say that he was proud of me for finishing the race

My overall pace was 13.29 minute / mile with a finish time of 2:56:37. I slowed down towards the end so there is hope for a 2:30hr half marathon if I stay heathly!

1 comment:

Shaelane said...

How lame am I? As I'm folding my laundry tonight I'm thinking, "Hey... that'd be cool to do again..." but then I think, "oh yeah... I'd have to train and work again..." Nevermind.