Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 down, 1 to go / Because I can

It was an emotional day.

I turned 36 today. I ran a half marathon today. I felt loved today. I realize how lucky I am today.

The run turned out so much better than I had expected, making me realize that I need to give this body of mine more credit. I took on most of the earlier hills and bowed to the last two. I had a very good race day up until mile 10 or so, averaging somewhere between 12 and 13.5 minute miles (I think). The last three miles kicked my butt. My right hip gave out a bit and I fought hard to keep motivated.

I broke down in tears a few times during the race. Things just got to me -- a picture of baby Trevor who passed away from leukemia or lymphoma; the kickoff speech from Sarah Reinertsen who reminded us that we were running the race because we could, because we were alive; two men yollering like their team won the Super Bowl when they saw their wives on the course.

All in all, a great run for me. The official timed results aren't in yet but I think I finished around three hours. I'm proud that I did it and live to run my third half in six weeks!

The rest of my great day included a hearty breakfast (with bacon!), a delicious nap, a awesome massage (I love Marcus!) and a wonderful dinner with Cheuk.

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