Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Small victories

Shannon and I were counting our blessings and applauding the small victories won over the last few months of training.

We persevered and have improved. We haven't worked consistently but we continue to work.

Something is different this training season. I feel like I've turned a point...cannot really articulate it yet but it feels like I'm no longer doing something totally against my nature. For the last few years / training seasons, I felt like I was in a constant fight state. Fought getting out for a run, fought to do more than my body was ready for, fought to enjoy the process.

Today, I went for a run in the glorious morning weather and I felt different. I tightened up the laces and ran. Not fast, not in perfect form, not easy but it was exactly what I wanted to be doing. No more fight.

I feel muscles forming. I feel proud of how fast (13.5 minute miles, y'all!) I can go. I feel like a runner.

A lot of small victories won over the last six years have gotten me here physically and mentally.

Oh yes, GO CELTICS! The Truth deserves it all!

1 comment:

Melissa C said...

There are no small victories. Send me some of that no-more-fighting-to-get-out-and-run love!!