Thursday, March 20, 2008


It was a woot (stolen from Mojo; my definition of woot is the feeling of childlike happiness when you say it loud and proud but I think it spawns from the Dungeons and Dragons game) running day! WOOOOOOT!

I nailed my treadmill run today.

I watched Family Feud as I warmed up and ran the first 1 or so at a very comfortable 14 minute / mile pace. For my second mile, I cranked it up to a 12 minute / mile pace and was able to sustain it! WOOT!

Yes, for many, this pace is a walking pace but for me, it's the pace that gets me schvitzing with elbows flying and stumpy legs pumping.

I didn't think I could keep it up but I did and I am proud! (Can you tell?)

1 comment:

Melissa C said...

You are a rock star!